B-COS our products are tailor-made

B-COS is a to-be-incorporated spin-off of Ghent University, offering COS-products that have the potential to replace hazardous chemical pesticides. COS-molecules are nature-inspired products which boost the plant’s defense system in a specific, sustainable and cost-effective way.

Our Approach

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Microbes as efficient cell factories

Tapping into evolution by creating a targeted plant vaccine

Sufficient and safe food for all

Scalable and robust production platform of defined chitooligosaccharides.

In-house and tailor-made seed coating solutions for targeted diseases and crops

Combatting the emergence of pesticide resistance by drastically decreasing the need for and intense use of chemical pesticides in greenhouses and on the field

Why Work With Us?

Scalable & Robust platform

Microbial fermentation using engineered bacterial cell factories


Significant decrease in crop losses for the farmer using effective priming agents


Our COS-products are synthesized with a specificity up to 90%


Contributing to a circular bioeconomy

B-COS we improve pathogen tolerance:

We identified and produced very specific COS-structures to be used as alternative biological priming agents. First proof of concept was obtained.

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