B-COS we care about resilient plant protection

B-COS our products are tailor-made

B-COS is a to-be-incorporated spin-off of Ghent University, offering COS-products that have the potential to replace hazardous chemical pesticides. COS-molecules are nature-inspired products which boost the plant’s defense system in a specific, sustainable and cost-effective way.

Our Approach

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Microbes as

efficient cell factories

Tapping into evolution

by creating a targeted plant


Sufficient and safe

food for all

Scalable, robust and patented 

production platform of defined


In-house and tailor-made

seed coating solutions for

targeted diseases and crops

Combatting pesticide resistance

by drastically decreasing the need

for and intense use of fossil-

based pesticides 

B-COS we improve pathogen tolerance:

We identified and produced very specific COS-structures to be used as alternative biological elicitors. Several proof of concepts were obtained.

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